Park Hye Jin

As part of my Communication & Multimedia Design major, I got the assignment to create a promotional campaign for an upcoming artist. The artist I decided to create this for was Park Hye Jin, as her career story inspired me and gave me ideas on how to tackle this challenge.


The logo design creates a combination of Park Hye Jin's birth country, South Korea, and the image of a character which connects to her current visual style where she herself is the center in most artwork, photos and interviews. It also represents her first name, "Hye Jin", in Hangul.


The logo is complimented by a self-made font based on Rigid Square, modified to be more in line with the logo design and Park Hye Jin's music at the time.

Visual style

Combining Park Hye Jin's favourite colours and a digital style that fits her music and target audience at the time, the visual style has become a combination of a two-tone background and ASCII art which adds colour depth to the image. This style connects to the minimalist house music she produced during this period.

The ASCII art is used to compliment the shading in the images, which allows the photo and the text to be combined and compliment each other.

Other work


Social Media

HB Torshavn


Album Artwork

Club DnB Lockdown Volume One

Lets get in touch!

I am always open to talk new projects, so feel free to reach out and we can discuss ideas.

© 2024 - Ronan Hoogmoed